People who don’t really understand the Grange, ask me why do you belong to the Grange? You’re not a farmer, your not really involved in agriculture, after all you live in an apartment. Yes I live in an apartment by choice, I can’t fix anything, I don’t want to mow the lawn and have the responsibility for all the things that homeowners have to do. Belonging to the Grange is about more than agriculture or being a farmer. I belong to Grange, not only because it’s a family tradition, but because of the advocacy on behalf of not only agricultural issues, rural issues in general. Did you know that the Grange has policies on rural health care, rural education? The Grange believes broadband Internet access accomplishes two objectives; it levels the playing field for rural residents giving rural educators access to the world to assist in the educational process for our communities. For rural health care professional, with access to broadband Internet, they can consult with urban doctors, via technology and transfer medical records in a digital format thus saving time and perhaps someone’s life. The 2nd objective is that the creation of this rural broadband network will also create jobs for rural citizens.
So this might give you some additional insight into what the Grange really stands for. Won’t you consider joining us? For Membership information here is the link to our website:
well said!